Democracy/Civic Participation
The Panta Rhea Foundation (PRF) was established in 2001 as a private foundation devoted to researching issues and analyzing the operations, goals and potential of organizations committed to building a more just and sustainable world. The Foundation...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Common Ground: TOC is a partnership between Littleglobe and three rural New Mexico communities: the Eastern Agency Navajo (Diné) communities of Torreon and Ojo Encino, and the village of Cuba (TOC). The project has brought contemporary and...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
The mission of the MPS Program is to give all Tufts students the media tools and resources that will prepare them for lifetimes of active citizenship and service to society. The Program blends the capabilities of a university-wide civic education...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Sojourn Theatre is a multi-ethnic, ensemble-based company making new performance in Portland, Oregon and around the nation. With commitments to both adventurous theatricality and community engagement, Sojourn creates unique, often site-specific...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
The Youth Community Action Program (YCAP) develops youth leadership by providing popular political education to young people in Atlanta, creates alternative youth-run media programs, and organizes for local community power. The program addresses...
Last Updated: February 13, 2015
The Documentary History Project for Youth is an after-school, weekend, and summertime production workshop for middle and high school students. Up to 12 young people explore an aspect of the political, social, or cultural history of Philadelphia by...
Last Updated: February 13, 2015
Groundswell Community Mural Project is a Brooklyn-based, 501(c)(3) founded in 1996. Groundswell brings together professional artists, grassroots organizations and communities in partnership to create high quality murals in under-represented...
Last Updated: March 6, 2015
A film about government corruption and how it causes our system to work against us. I'm a former business lobbyist. I've participated in this legalized corruption. I've represented corporate interest before state and federal officials. I get angry...
Last Updated: May 22, 2015
Our Mission:
Through performances of the highest artistic quality, post-show discussions, and creative workshops, to honor and serve our veterans and to help our communities process the social and cultural effects of war with integrity, in an honest...
Last Updated: June 8, 2015
Theatre Without Borders (TWB) is an all-volunteer network of individual theatre artists and organizations around the world. TWB was created to share information and to help build links for individuals and institutions interested in international...
Last Updated: June 22, 2015
If life were a photo, then my artwork would be its negative, seeking to explore those aspects in our society that have been ignored or forgotten such as history, lynching, misogyny, slavery and suicide.
By printing these forgotten negatives, I give...
Last Updated: July 8, 2015
What is American culture? While many countries long ago defined their culture and heritage, our culture is less easily described. A recent New York Times essay on identity raised thought-provoking questions about the diversity and fluidity of the...
Last Updated: December 2, 2015
“Referendum on the American Dream” (working title) is a temporary public artwork to be sited in prominent public locations in Cleveland, Ohio, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on the first days of the Republican and Democratic conventions in July...
Last Updated: June 13, 2016
Saving Our Sons & Sisters International (SOSSI) is a 501c3 non-profit organization made up of “no excuse” lead- ers of integrity committed to making a difference in the lives of youth and adults, by transforming and improving their educational...
Last Updated: August 12, 2016
Founded in 2009, Urbano Project is a non-profit community art studio that fosters participatory art as a vehicle for personal transformation, community cohesion, and social change. We bring together artist-mentors, local youth, and community members...
Last Updated: August 12, 2016