Alternate ROOTS
Alternate ROOTS is a southern based organization whose mission is to support the creation and presentation of original art, in all its forms. Alternate ROOTS is committed to social and economic justice and the protection of the natural world and addresses these concerns through programs and services. Resources for Social Change (RSC) trains participants on techniques for using art to create social change. RSC components include workshops, mentorships, and peer education. In addition, the Community/Artists Partnership Program (C/APP) provides project support to artists in the field of community-based arts as well as community training and technical assistance. Through supported projects, artists work with communities using the arts to highlight community assets or address critical issues; or they partner with communities to convene events that allow for an exchange of information with other artists and community members to take place. In 2010, Alternate ROOTS launched a three-year initiative, The Aesthetics of Diversity, exploring issues and opportunities to advance a progressive agenda in the South through the lens of the South’s newest citizens, immigrants from Spanish-speaking countries, India, Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean. Aesthetics of Diversity will examine questions of art and culture focusing on place in 2010, people in 2011, and traditions in 2012.