Artful Life
Artful Life projects transform communities through the beauty and power of collaborative art. Professional artists and residents of underserved communities work together over months and years to envision and co-create significant works of art. Depending on the will of the community, the art can be visual, written, photographic, performance, film (etc.) and often includes the transformation of neighborhood places .
Collaborative art-making (especially over months and years) allows community members to get to know each other in new ways, discover the power of working in teams, and create art that expresses who they are, where they live, and what they dream.
ong-term projects generate individual and collective capacity which catalyzes a range of community-led development initiatives.
Artful Life, based in New Mexico, is dedicated to the Tewa belief that revitalization is an individual and collective process fueled by creative inspiration, labor, and a thoughtful approach. Learn more at