Wise Fool New Mexico
1131 Siler Rd, Suite B
Santa Fe,
NM87507United States
Organization Type:
Arts Organization
Programs and Services:
It is Wise Fool New Mexico's mission to ignite imagination, build community, and promote social justice through performances and hands-on experiences in the arts of circus, puppetry, and theatre.
Wise Fool programs are designed:
- To impart life skills and to build self-determination in individuals through positive experiences in accomplishment, self-esteem, responsibility, trust, significance, respect, and teamwork.
- To promote dialogue and teach communication, problem solving, conflict resolution and cooperation skills through collaboration.
- To use art as a vehicle to stand against discrimination and oppression based on race, religion, class, ability, sexual orientation, or gender and to promote education, understanding, and growth towards a more just society.
- To reintegrate art into daily life by making it accessible to all, especially remote, low income, and underserved communities.
- To preserve, continue, and further the folk arts of puppetry, circus, street theatre, and storytelling.
- To provide visual support for community and cultural events and social change organizations.
- To offer artistic spaces in which to create, dream, and transform as individuals and communities.

Populations Engaged:
Issue Areas:
Communities Served: